Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 31 Mar 2020
Ragdoll Foundation Open Grant Scheme

The Ragdoll Foundation Open Grant scheme supports non-profit organisations working with children and young people using the arts and creative media. Grants of up to £50k are available but the majority of grants awarded are likely to be in the region of £5k to £30k and cover between 25% and 80% of total costs. Organisations can apply for both one-off short-term projects and for projects lasting up to three years. Preference will be given to those projects which have a deep commitment to listening to children and allow the perceptions and feelings of children themselves to be better understood.
The Foundation is mainly interested in applications that involve children during their early years, but appropriate projects for older children (up to 18 years) will also be considered. Whilst the Foundation will fund work in and around London, they will prioritise projects taking place elsewhere in the UK.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, though decisions are only made on funding three times a year at the Trustee meetings in February, May and December.
For more information visit http://www.ragdollfoundation.org.uk/portfolio/grant-giving