Creative Kirklees / News / Mon 24 Oct 2016
Pulse report – pt 3:Diversity in audiences, what needs to change

Pulse report – part 3: Diversity in audiences – what needs to change?
Should more be done to increase the diversity of those engaging with the arts in the UK? And if so, what? In her final report, Frances Richens looks at the findings from ArtsProfessional’s latest Pulse survey with a focus on audiences.
To read the full survey responses, including over 800 comments related to diversity in the arts go to - http://www.artsprofessional.co.uk/sites/artsprofessional.co.uk/files/pulse_-_diversity_in_the_arts_workforce.pdf
Achieving diversity in audiences was a priority for most of the 509 UK-based respondents who completed ArtsProfessional’s Pulse survey in June and July 2016. 57% said increasing diversity was a top strategic priority for their organisation and a further 30% said it was important.
Those working in theatre and music were the most likely to see audience diversity as important. More than 90% said it was either a top priority or important to their organisation, while just 77% of those working in the visual arts and museums said this was the case.
There were some variations around Great Britain. In England, 86% of respondents said audience diversity was either a top priority or important, compared with 93% in Wales and and 94% in Scotland. In England, respondents in the West Midlands and Yorkshire were most concerned with audience diversity and those in the North East were least concerned.
This is only an excerpt taken from an article in Arts Professional. For the full article go to - http://www.artsprofessional.co.uk/pulse/survey-report/pulse-report-part-3-diversity-audiences-what-needs-change