Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 10 Nov 2016
Public Art Commission, Ted Hughes Project

The Ted Hughes Project (South Yorkshire) is seeking to appoint an artist or artists to develop and deliver two commissions at identified sites in and around Mexborough, South Yorkshire, in response to the life and work of the poet Ted Hughes. The work will require the artist/artists to carry out the following:
• Produce an artwork to be installed in the grounds of Mexborough Business Centre (formerly Mexborough Grammar School, a place hugely influential to Ted Hughes’s development and the place where he wrote his first poems). The artwork will reflect and respond to Hughes’s time at the school, allude to the poetry he wrote/experiences he had there, and reflect Hughes’s status and spirit.
• Produce an artwork to be installed in the grounds of the Mexborough Ferry Boat Slipway. The artwork will reflect and respond to Hughes work connected to water and reflect Hughes’s status and spirit.
• Liaise with and support the Ted Hughes Project (South Yorkshire) in installing and the finished work.
•Participate in a launch activity after installation.
•In addition having high intrinsic artistic merit, artworks must also:
Engage local communities;
Increase awareness of the life and work of Ted Hughes as a literary figure of international significance;
Have regard to the importance of Mexborough and surrounding area to his poetic and personal development.
The fee for this work is £3,500 per artwork or £7,000 for both. This fee is to include preparation, commission production costs, materials and all other expenses incurred by the artist in the creation of the work.
The form and media of the commissioned piece is left to the discretion of the artist.Consideration should be given to the fact that the artwork will be installed out-of-doors — weather resilience and durability should be taken into account.
Artists are invited to submit proposals for one or both artworks.
The deadline for the submission of proposals is 10th November 2016
For an application form or further information please visit www.tedhughesproject.org or email info@tedhughesproject.org
For more information visit http://www.tedhughesproject.org/
Opportunity Location
South Yorkshire
Email: info@tedhughesproject.org
Website: http://www.tedhughesproject.org/