Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 14 Oct 2019
Public Art Commission, Beam, Wakefield

Beam and Featherstone Town Council are seeking to appoint an experienced artist to address a design challenge at the site of a recently developed nature reserve, Mill Pond Meadows in Featherstone, West Yorkshire. The appointed artist will develop an artistic feature, which enhances the aesthetic qualities and experience of the site for visitors and passersby alike. The location is a key view both into and out of the site.
The vision is to develop a new permanent artistic feature at the edge of the Mill Pond Meadows Nature Reserve that expands on the First World War commemorative work that has already taken place on site. The artistic feature will encourage visitors to remember and learn about the past but will utilise a contemporary design to reflect the resilient and forward-thinking nature of the people of Featherstone.
Deadline for applications: Monday 14 October 2019 – 9am
For more information visit https://www.beam.uk.net/events/artist-opportunity-new-feature-at-mill-pond-meadows-nature-reserve-featherstone/