Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 16 Oct 2016
PRS Music Foundation Composers’ Fund (UK)

The Performing Rights Society (PRS) for Music Foundation, the UK's leading funder of new music across all genres, has announced the 2nd funding round of its new Composers' Fund. The Composers' Fund is a new opportunity which recognises the need for composers to have direct access to funding at pivotal stages in their career. It invites composers to make the case for support of any activity that would enable them to make a significant step change in their career. Grants can be for up to £10,000 and it is anticipated that the Foundations will make 10 - 15 awards a year. The fund is open to composers with a strong track record in their field who are at a point in their career where access to funding could help move forward their career. To be eligible for support, composers must be based in the UK and must be members of PRS for Music or in a position to join. To be eligible for support, composers must be based in the UK and must be members of PRS for Music or in a position to join. Deadlines occur twice a year.
The deadline for applications is the 16th October 2016.
Read more at: http://www.prsformusicfoundation.com/funding/the-composers-fund/
For more information visit http://www.prsformusicfoundation.com/funding/the-composers-fund/