Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 30 Jul 2017
Prosper: Supporting the Business of Culture

Creative United provides a range of financial products and services designed to enable the growth and development of the UK’s cultural and creative industries.
Prosper, their business support programme for the arts, museums and libraries will deliver impactful business support activities to improve resilience, commercial capacity and investment readiness. Masterclasses, workshops and webinars crafted and delivered by industry experts will cover a range of support areas.
70 creative and cultural organisations have been chosen onto the programme and will be able to access training sessions for free.
Those not chosen onto the programme can still access Prosper masterclasses, workshops and webinars. These training sessions will take place across England. Subjects include:
• Knowing and growing your audience
• The business model canvas
• Managing change, risk and growth
• Identifying and monetising your IP
Follow the link to find out more
For more information visit http://www.creativeunited.org.uk/programme/prosper/