Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 03 Aug 2020
Prosper North Business Support Programme: Final Edition

Prosper North is a free business support programme, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. The programme aims to improve the capabilities of around 80 cultural heritage organisations in the North of England – from music venues to community art groups, and independent museums to literature festivals. The programme is designed to increase income and impact and provide support in becoming more resilient businesses.
Starting in 2019, already the organisations on the programme have participated in a combined total of over 600 hours of 1:1, workshops and webinars, covering subjects such as trading as a social enterprise, business modelling and social investment.
Members of our cohorts have described the programme as “enlightening”, “supportive” and “transformative”.
Prosper North is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, and delivered by Creative United in partnership with Key Fund, Bates Wells and Social Investment Business.
Applications now open for Edition 3
Prosper North are now accepting applications for the third and final edition of the Prosper North programme.
Prosper North’s mix of free, tailored 1:1 business support, workshops, webinars and meetups are designed to enable cultural heritage organisations to increase income and impact, become more resilient businesses and explore social investment. In these challenging times of social distancing due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the programme will also help with planning for the rebuilding of businesses post-lock down.
Edition 3 will run from September 2020 – February 2021
The final deadline for applications is Monday 3 August 2020
For more information and to make an application follow the link below.
For more information visit https://www.creativeunited.org.uk/services/prospernorth/