Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 31 Dec 2020
Proper Job Weekly Sessions

Proper Job are offering a number of weekly sessions to help you stay in touch and reduce isolation. These are divided into areas and projects. If you want to join a group, select the area and project most suitable for you and click on the email link. For more information on this or any of our other sessions please check out their website: https://www.properjob.org.uk/covid-19-support.
Tanya, John and Dave are continuing to help people in the Kirklees area to find employment through our Works Better programme. If you have recently lost your job and you live in the Kirklees area, please email:
tanya@properjob.org.uk, John@properjob.org.uk, Dave@properjob.org.uk
If you would like to spend your time in isolation improving your skill levels and are based in the Kirklees area, just email tanya@properjob.org.uk, John@properjob.org.uk, Dave@properjob.org.uk
If you are an ESOL learner based in Manchester, have a look at this website: www.manchesteresol.org
For wellbeing support take a look at this: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/looking-after-your-mental-health-during-coronavirus-outbreak
For more information visit https://www.properjob.org.uk/covid-19-support