Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 21 Jul 2020
Proper Job's Final Lockdown Theatre: Dorian

Proper Job's final Lockdown Theatre presentation is.......Dorian.
As we are finally emerging from Lockdown Proper Job would like to offer the final piece of their Monster Trilogy and this time it’s a film…
Recorded at the Lowry in Manchester last year, this is a high quality rendering of the fantastic play written by Andrew Macmillan.
The self that feels that it is not the self, the self that feels somehow estranged from an idealised version of the self. In the world of social media; the selfie, the avatar, the airbrushed image, who are we really?
Enjoy Dorian - presented it in three parts, for ease of watching
Please note: This play contains strong language and themes unsuitable for children. For ages 16+
For more information visit https://www.properjob.org.uk/lockdown-theatre