Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 14 Jul 2016
Popup Business Cafe at the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre

Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) are hosting a Popup Business Cafe at the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre on Thursday 14th July.
The Popup will be open from 9.00-12.20pm and we will have local experts waiting to give practical answers to your questions on a range of business topics. Totally informal, turn up when you like, leave when you like, come back again when you feel like it. It's a cafe, not a conference.
Oh, and did we mention that the advice is FREE!
So, come along and chat with an expert at our informal drop in sessions throughout the morning, for genuinely free business advice. Ask questions of people who know about:
1. Accounting and tax
2. Funding
3. Marketing
4. Social Media
5. Skills
6. Websites
7. Starting up
8. Growing your business
9. Supply chain advice
10. Innovation
Just so you know, if the event is busy, we will operate a booking system to give you 20 minutes with an expert. When you arrive, please let us know who you would like to talk to, and think about the questions you really want answers to so you can make the most of your time. These lovely people have volunteered their time to have their brains picked:
• Starting up - Gill Watson, Yvonne Walsh, Kirklees Council
• Social Media - Katrina Cliffe, KC Communications
• Supply Chain - Ramesh Bains, SME Growth Manager Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP)
• Tax/Accountancy - Steven Holmes, Armstrong Watson
• Funding - Ramesh Bains & Gill Watson, SME Growth Managers, LEP
• Skills - Nicki Hudson, LEP skills service
• Marketing - Steve Bradley, Pennine Business Partners
• Growing - Gill Watson and Ramesh Bains, SME Growth Managers, LEP
• New markets - Annie Bradley, UKTI
• Websites - Stewart Leahy - Design Mechanics
• Innovation - James Devitt, The University of Huddersfield, Research and Enterprise
Book now to secure your place https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/popup-business-advice-cafe-3mbic-huddersfield-tickets-25994754009
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/popup-business-advice-cafe-3mbic-huddersfield-tickets-25994754009