Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 16 Jun 2017
Photography workshop leader, Bloc Projects

Bloc Projects in Sheffield has received funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund for a project which explores, maps and celebrates the heritage of the area around Bloc Projects.
Fee £250 – 1 day
Equipment and printing materials budget – £400
The workshop leader will plan and deliver a one-day workshop in practical and creative photography skills including identifying engaging subject matter, framing, exposure and post production techniques to ensure the group of young people have the skills to confidently select and represent elements of the varied heritage of the area so that their photographic work can form part of the final exhibition for this heritage project.
The successful applicant will be skilled at communicating how to use a digital camera, able to demonstrate photography techniques and able to creatively engage young people in projects where photography enhances education.
Bloc Projects are looking for candidates with:
• An excellent track record of providing similar workshops
• Experience working within the industry.
• A minimum of three years experience working with young people
• A full DBS check
The project is scheduled to open in early September 2017, therefore any work on this project will need to be carried out by the end of August 2017.
To apply, please send CV, equal opportunities form and covering letter to info@blocprojects.co.uk
Deadline: 16 June 2017
Please note: This role is being advertised as a freelance role, therefore the successful applicant will be responsible for their own tax and National Insurance.
For more information visit http://www.blocprojects.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Email: info@blocprojects.co.uk
Website: http://www.blocprojects.co.uk/