Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sun 06 Feb 2022
Photographic Portrait Call Out: Women volunteers needed

Photographic Portrait Call Out:
You could be a part of LGBT+ History
The UK’s first ever national Pride took place in Huddersfield on 4th July 1981. To mark the fortieth anniversary, a series of arts and archive events will take place until autumn 2022.
One of the main elements is a newly-commissioned photographic exhibition. Internationally renowned photographer Ajamu X will take a series of portraits of people who marched in 1981 and people who are part of the LGBTQ+ community in and around Huddersfield today.
In February 2022, there will be a Street Exhibition of some of the portraits on a part of the original Pride 81 route. The full set will be displayed at the Lawrence Batley Theatre summer 2022. They will then become a part of the permanent collection at Huddersfield Art Gallery.
We’d love to hear from women who want to be photographed (we’ve been delighted to already have a lot of male volunteers, but women are under-represented at the moment). All you need to do is wear a black top that’s free from logos or images and book-in at either Ajamu’s permanent studio in London (28-30th January 2022), or at his pop-up studio in Huddersfield (4-6th February 2022) for about an hour.
In return, you’ll get a copy of your 10” x 8” portrait, signed by Ajamu, to keep.
As you'll appreciate, we can't guarantee that everyone who volunteers will be photographed. We do need to curate the content ensure representation. But we hope to include as many people as possible.
If you are interested, please let us know by emailing Stephen M Hornby (hornby.s@sky.com) or Jade Graham (jade.graham@wyjs.org.uk) with a simple head and shoulders shot of yourself and we’ll be in touch in due course.