Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 07 Dec 2015
PCC’s Third Sector Conference, Huddersfield

The PCC’s Third Sector Annual Conference for the third sector, which has been organised with the help of Safer Kirklees takes place on 14 December 2015.
The aims of the conference are to enable a wider third sector audience to hear about
the work Mark Burns-Williamson, Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire, is doing that is especially relevant to them; to receive a report about the
work of the Third Sector Advisory Group, and encourage others to get involved in it;
to consider lessons learned from 2 years operation of the Safer Communities Fund
which has provided over £850k to 191 groups; and to consider future opportunities
and challenges.
The event is aimed at a wide cross section of the third sector serving West
Yorkshire, including voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise groups from
small to large. Community and voluntary sector organisations which have benefitted
from or applied to the Safer Communities Fund are especially welcome. It is also
open to colleagues from other sectors who are interested in the role of the third
sector in community safety, crime reduction and anti-social behaviour.
A draft programme is here http://bit.ly/1LwzDsO and may change but is intended to give you a feel for the discussions which will take place. If you have any queries about the event contact Third Sector Adviser, David Smith at david.smith@westyorkshire.pcc.pnn.gov.uk
If you want to attend e-mail Toby Lomax-Newton by Monday 7 December at the
latest. Places are limited so please do book as early as you can to avoid
disappointment. His e-mail address is: tobias.lomax-newton@westyorkshire.pcc.pnn.gov.uk