Creative Kirklees / News / Fri 21 Sep 2018
Our Biennale festival launches in Kirklees

Our Biennale is a brand-new festival of arts and culture made with children and young people in Kirklees and launched last week with a new website.
During autumn 2018 young people will work with artists, composers, choreographers, musicians, writers, DJs and theatre producers to make their own pieces of dance, music, poetry, art and drama, all based on the theme Darkness and Light. The pieces will be performed and exhibited in participating schools, galleries and venues, with a chance for more children and young people to get involved in activities taking place across Kirklees.
Any arts or cultural event can become part of Our Biennale. If you have an event happening in Kirklees that you want to be in the festival it can be listed on the website and badged as an Our Biennale event or activity.
Find out more and how to get involved at the Our Biennale website https://evokekirklees.org/biennale
Image: Adam Martin Acts @AdamMartinActs
For more information visit https://evokekirklees.org/biennale
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Website: https://evokekirklees.org/biennale