Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 30 Sep 2015
Open Call Christmas Arts & Crafts Makers.

Christmas Arts & Crafts Makers.
During the festive season 18th November - 20th December 2015 Kunsthuis Contemporary Gallery will open a Pop-Up Christmas Shop selling a wide range of festive Arts & Crafts during their opening times of Wednesday – Sunday 10am - 5pm.
They are looking for local (Yorkshire) Arts & Crafts makers who produce festive gifts ranging from Christmas decorations, jewellery, christmas wreaths, candles, soaps, scarves, christmas ornaments, garlands, table accessories and much more.
Gifts can be hand delivered to the gallery and will be sold at a 35% commission on a sale and return basis during the five weeks. Any remaining Arts & Crafts will be returned in January 2016. Makers do not have to be on site during this period as the gallery and shop will be staffed. Shipping Artists are responsible for shipping their work to and from the gallery and insuring it while in transit.
Kunsthuis' highly popular and anticipated Christmas Exhibition will be showcased alongside the Pop-Up Shop and will attract a wide public of art enthusiasts and collectors from all over the UK.
Kunsthuis is part of Dutch house and is a small but established venue for showcasing and selling contemporary art in the region. Read all the details about submitting work at the website.
For more information visit http://dutchhouseyorkshire.com/XMasPOPupShop.html
Opportunity Location
Dutch house
Mill Green Farm
YO61 4TT
Telephone: 01347 889 431
Email: info@dutchhouseyorkshire.com
Website: http://dutchhouseyorkshire.com/XMasPOPupShop.html