Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 01 Aug 2022
Open Call - Artist & Workshop Facilitator, East Street Arts

A City Less Grey – EVOKE. Call out for Artist Led workshops. (£750)
East Street Arts and Leeds 2023 invite workshop proposals from Leeds based artists interested in public engagement and exploring radical, thought provoking approaches to conversations around public art.
Selected artists will work with the EVOKE Curator at East Street Arts to deliver their proposed workshop as outlined in the application and present the workshop online or in person.
East Street Arts care about the city of Leeds and its public realm. They care about the people we work with and those who want to be involved. Art and creativity can unite people with the public realm, creating vibrant, expressive, inclusive and accessible experiences across the city. They want to invoke conversations around what this all means, how it can be achieved and what is missing.
Workshops should be inspired by the following themes around Public Art;
Access & Inclusion
Working with & in communities
Responsible Climate Change practice
Workshops could focus on specific local issues, blend ideas or look to ask more questions. Workshops can focus on specific communities, broader localities or a particular place. Proposals must hold engagement at their core, building conversations through interaction and community to expand on our understanding of what Public Art can be, who it is for and how we can create a thriving public realm in Leeds.
The workshops will contribute to a Public Art learning programme and run from September to December 2022.
Apply:Please visit the website/document below for more information. Please submit one PDF document, video or audio file outlining yourself and the workshop proposal to the contact email.
Web address:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hmRnUCJVEthtd5lxb76MGCAJQXJF7xIlcAFxOjk3wr0/edit?usp=sharingEmployer:East Street Arts
Deadline:01 Aug 2022
For more information visit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hmRnUCJVEthtd5lxb76MGCAJQXJF7xIlcAFxOjk3wr0/edit