Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 30 Mar 2021
ONLINE Session - IVE: Creatives CPD: Creativity, Curiosity Play

FREE ONLINE Session with IVE
Creatives CPD: Creativity, Curiosity & Play
VIA ZOOM | 30th Mar, 2021 10:00 am - 12:30 pm
As creative practitioners, we instinctively know that our work connects with children’s innate ability to be creative, be curious, and to develop themselves through play.
However, understanding this; and even more so, communicating this; can be a challenge, especially when the concerns around ‘outcomes’ undermines the value of our process-led approach.
However, neuroscience is now showing is that the human brain has evolved with structures wired into the deepest part of the brain that are dedicated to curiosity & play, and that these are, therefore, vital to healthy development.
This illuminating session with Jo Stockdale from Well Within Reach will explain:
The fundamental building blocks for learning & development, at any point in childhood.
Why the creative, playful & curious experiences that you facilitate are actually essential components for learning-readiness.
Suitable for: Artists and creatives in the Arts and Culture sector working in the Yorkshire and Humber region.
About the Facilitator
Jo Stockdale is Well Within Reach‘s founder and lead trainer has a background in the creative sector and the journey into neuroscience and ‘person centred development’ began there around 13 years. She now specialises in training all kinds of people about brain development, social and emotional competence and wellbeing issues such as resilience and self-esteem.
Please note, we charge a fully refundable deposit to encourage attendance. Refunds will be sent to attendees within 36 hours of the event/course end date. If you are unable to attend, please let us know at least 2 days before the event/course start date. Those who fail to cancel their ticket or attend will forfeit their deposit.
If you have any questions, please email april@weareive.org
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/creatives-cpd-creativity-curiosity-play-tickets-132084808217?_eboga=1767368754.1548755716