Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 31 Mar 2022
One Community Foundation in Kirklees

Are you looking for funding in Kirklees?
One Community, the Kirklees Community Foundation is a source of funding for charities and nonprofit organisation in Kirklees. They can provide advice on which funds to approach and help you get funding for a project. The Foundation will provide grants to support operating costs for nonprofits from our charitable funds. They know how hard it is secure support from charitable funds and grants, so they intermittently run Fundraising Workshops, which help groups write better applications to funders, to secure project and operating costs.
They are local experts in connecting those who want to give support, with the community organisations that are most in need. They manage and distribute funds, getting money to where it really matters - to voluntary groups, doing vital and life changing work in our local communities. The Foundation is accredited by standards endorsed by the Charity Commission.
They have funds available throughout the year, and further information about this grant funding can be found on their website
Before you can apply for funding:
You must have a governing document (constitution, rules, memorandum and articles of association etc.), a governing body of at least three unrelated individuals, and a bank account in your group’s name with at least two unrelated signatories. If a school was to apply for funding it would have to be either through a PTA, or a ‘Friends of XYZ school’ organisation.
They make grants to a wide range of organisations. We are particularly keen to help grassroots community groups and small-to-medium-sized voluntary organisations. They do not normally make grants to large UK-wide charities, but they might do so where there are strong relationships in the area and the proposal has potential to achieve a substantial impact. If you have any questions, please call them on: (01484) 468397
Who can apply for funding (all organisations must be based in Kirklees, or undertaking project work in Kirklees):
Voluntary and community groups
Not-for-profit organisations
Charities (not registered with the Charity Commission)
Charities (registered with the Charity Commission)
Please note they do not fund any of the following activities:
Party political activity
Promotion of religion
Replacement of statutory funding
Projects that have already started
Groups who have not complied with previous monitoring requirements
For more information visit http://www.one-community.org.uk/looking-for-funding/
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01484 468 397
Website: http://www.one-community.org.uk/looking-for-funding/