Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 07 Aug 2015
NHS Trust wants Kirklees orgs to help deliver creative projects

South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is on the lookout for voluntary and community organisations in Kirklees to help deliver creative activities as part of the Trust’s Creative Minds initiative.
Creative Minds gives people who use Trust services an opportunity to take part in innovative activities to help improve their health and wellbeing. The initiative is at the heart of the Trust’s commitment to ensuring a creative approach to delivering health services.
To help deliver these activities, the Trust wants to hear from established voluntary/non-profit creative organisations and smaller community and self-help groups. Working in partnership with the Trust, organisations would provide creative projects for people who use Trust services and their carers.
If you think your organisation could help, visit www.creativemindsuk.com to download an application form. The closing date for applications is Friday 7th August 2015.
For more information contact the Trust at creativeminds@swyt.nhs.uk, on 01924 327567, @allofusinmind on Twitter or www.facebook.com/creativemindsuk
For more information visit http://www.creativemindsuk.com/
Opportunity Location
West Yorkshire
Telephone: 01924 327 567
Email: mark.wisbey@swyt.nhs.uk
Website: http://www.creativemindsuk.com/