Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 28 Apr 2017
National Summer School for Arts Fundraising and Leadership

The National Summer School for Arts Fundraising and Leadership will run again from Sunday 16th July through to Friday 21st July 2017.
Led by the University of Leeds in partnership with Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy, this week-long residential course offers a breadth of insight, ideas and skills in how to lead arts organisations, and achieve long-term fundraising success, in ever more challenging economic times.
To complement other fundraising courses that teach the ‘nuts and bolts’ of fundraising, the Summer School focuses on arts fundraising and leadership, addressing key topics such as Cultural Policy, Managing Change, Building Resilience, Cultural Leadership and Changing Business Models.
As well as a week of intensive study and practical activity, the Summer School also offers time out for reflection – a rare chance for delegates to step back from the day-to-day pressures to encourage and facilitate new thinking and strategic planning.
Who it is for?
The Summer School is aimed at managers and fundraisers with at least three years’ experience in the arts or cultural sector. It is for ambitious individuals who are looking to develop their careers as future leaders of organisations or development teams.
Course format
The Summer School is delivered through a mixture of lectures, tutorials, panel discussions, group activities, individual project work and group presentations. In addition, interactive panels and visits to nearby arts organisations will provide a unique opportunity for participants to listen to, question and network with a range of senior arts leaders.
Bursary Support
The University of Leeds are generously offering three bursaries of £500 each to support independent students or those sponsored by small arts and cultural organisations (i.e. under £500,000 turnover) to attend the National Summer School. These will be awarded to qualifying applicants on a competitive basis. If you would like to apply for a bursary, please download an application form via the link below.
The cost per participant is £1,850 + VAT
The deadline for applications is 5pm, Friday 28th April 2017.
For more information visit http://artsfundraising.org.uk/national-summer-school