Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 30 Mar 2022
National Lottery Project Grants

The National Lottery Project Grants has reopened the fund with a budget of £77.9 million available until April 2021. The fund aims to help independent organisations, creative practitioners and freelancers.
Changes have been made to the fund so make sure you read the supplementary guidance on the Arts Council website which outlines what has changed to make the fund more responsive to the needs of smaller independent organisations and individual practitioners during Covid-19.
Project Grants can support a broad range of types of activity, such as projects that directly create and deliver creative and cultural activity and content for audiences, visitors and digital users, and also those that have a longer term impact on strengthening the sector, such as organisational development, research and development and sector support.
Because of the circumstances during this COVID-19 period, the Arts Council are particularly keen to support:
• applications from individual creative practitioners (including time to think and plan)
• research and development activity
• organisational development activity
• live activity that can be safely delivered within this period (rather than
activity with a start date far in the future)
• activity that closely aligns with our Equality Objectives
National Lottery Project Grants is open all the time, there are no deadlines.
For more information visit https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/national-lottery-project-grants/applying-national-lottery-project-grants-three-steps