Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 27 May 2015
Musician, Live Music Now

LMN North West and LMN North East are looking for new musicians (soloists and bands) in Acoustic, Rock & Pop, Classical, Jazz, Folk and World Music genres. LMN offers training and paid performance opportunities to emerging professional musicians. Our scheme helps musicians kick-start their professional career whilst allowing them to engage with a wide variety of audiences.
We're looking for brilliant artists who want to develop themselves professionally, and who have that spark and passion to share their music with a wider audience including older people in care homes, children with special educational needs, and other vulnerable groups.
For more information visit http://www.livemusicnow.org.uk/lmn_news/item/68954/date/2015-04-28/title/lmn_north_west_north_east_auditions_calling_all_musicians