Creative Kirklees / News / Mon 26 Mar 2018
Music at the heart of Huddersfield article in Arts Industry

Read this Arts Industry article about music in Huddersfield and two examples of where it's being used to create new communities:
Yorkshire Sound Women’s Network (YSWN) - flying the flag for girls and women in music, YSWN aims to inspire and enable more women and girls to explore sound and music technology, in response to the gender imbalance in the sector.
Hoot Creative Arts - A community initiative supporting adults with mental health issues and using the arts as means to promote health and wellbeing.
You can read other articles on Huddersfield's music at
For more information visit https://www.artsindustry.co.uk/feature/1090-music-at-the-heart-of-huddersfield
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Website: https://www.artsindustry.co.uk/feature/1090-music-at-the-heart-of-huddersfield