Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 05 Nov 2021
Marsden Community Trust: Business/Community Development Manager

Marsden Community Trust offers a unique opportunity for enthusiastic candidates who have:
A commitment to community engagement and development
A Strong set of marketing skills
A record of promoting community and arts venues
The Trust is responsible for the Marsden Mechanics, an iconic listed building at the heart of Marsden, an historic village set in the beautiful Pennine Hills. It plays host to events, fairs, festivals, workshops, meetings – everything a vibrant community needs.
Embracing the challenges of last year, the Trust has been successful in winning significant funding to improve and future proof the building for generations. This post is key to increasing the utilisation of this vital community asset. You will take responsibility for strengthening further the community hub role of Marsden Mechanics.
You will be supported by ambitious Board members who have a track record of taking on the challenges that such a building brings.
The post is 22.5 hours a week for three years initially, with the future of the post being determined by the success of the initiatives the post holder brings to this much loved community asset.
To apply, request an application form and job description via info@marsdenmechanics.co.uk
For more information visit https://www.marsdenmechanics.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Website: https://www.marsdenmechanics.co.uk/