Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 28 Aug 2020
Making Matters: Call out for children's artwork

Do you know a young person aged 5-11? The Artworks want to know what matters to young people.
This could include what are the issues, large or small, personal or global that need our attention?
Make something about what matters to you and send it to us before 28th August 2020. All creative responses in any medium are welcome! Write, Draw, Speak, Build, Make!
All entries will be part of the online exhibition on display from September 2020.
Prizes for the strongest visual message in each year group will be selected on Saturday 12th September.
The themes and ideas shared will help inform the work we do now and in the future.
Prize winners will receive a bumper pack of art materials and a donation of £100’s worth of resources created by artists for use in the child’s class.
How to send in your work:
Send in your work to info@theartworks.org.uk with the subject line ‘Making Matters’. Please include the child’s name, age, the year group the child will enter September 2020 and best contact details.
For more information visit http://www.artsjobs.org.uk/index.php?id=25&ne_source=weeklynews&ne_post_id=266200