Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 08 Nov 2018
Making it authentic: Creative Consultation with young people

The Course:
Ensure your projects for young people are dynamic and relevant by embedding their expertise from start to finish with the help of this one-day course. Discover creative ways to consult with young people, from involving them in an ongoing dialogue that makes them feel heard, to empowering them through active roles in your projects.
Date: Thursday 8 November, 10am - 4.15pm
Venue: Yorkshire Dance, Leeds
Cost: £150 (ENYAN newsletter subscribers receive an exclusive 10% discount)
Ideal for:
• Individuals or organisations looking to embed the voice of young people in their work or the governance of their organisation
• Those seeking to understand the interests, needs and behaviours of young audiences
• Professionals interested in nurturing the next creative generation, supporting them to develop leadership skills
You will gain:
• Tried and tested creative ways of consulting with young people
• Knowledge of best practice and inclusive approaches through case studies
• Guidance on how to listen effectively and act upon the suggestions of young people within resource constraints
• Confidence in utilising your findings beyond an individual project for wider, future planning and development
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/making-it-authentic-creative-consultation-with-young-people-tickets-47467564764
Opportunity Location
Yorkshire Dance
3 St Peter's Buildings