Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 12 Feb 2019
Major Donors and Legacy Giving - 1 Day Course

Arts Fundraising and Philanthropy are delivering this one day training course for staff, Trustees and freelancers from the arts, cultural and heritage sectors.
The Major Donors and Legacy Giving course is for people who want to make a step change in their income from major donor and legacy sources. The course assumes participants will already have a good understanding of fundraising for arts, cultural and heritage organisations.
Arts organisations are often well suited to both Major Gift and Legacy fundraising, having a strong creative offer and loyal audiences. However, they often lack the skills and confidence needed to identify their best prospects, to understand what motivates them or to build long-term relationships. This practical course will support participants to grow their own relationships with major donors and to look at ways in which Legacy programmes can be embedded into fundraising programmes.
For more details please visit the website below.
For more information visit http://artsfundraising.org.uk/training/specialist_training/major-donors-legacy-giving/?mc_cid=bd66c64bcf&mc_eid=b7f825f134
Opportunity Location
People's History Museum