Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 09 Jan 2018
Local Cultural Education Partnerships - get involved

Local Cultural Education Partnerships (LCEPs) are an opportunity for art and cultural organisations, educational institutions, local authorities and individuals to work together to meet Arts Council England's Cultural Education Challenge; ensuring that all children & young people get to experience a broad and high-quality arts education. LCEPs can include:
• Schools and networks of schools
• Youth and community organisations
• Local authorities
• Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisations
• Arts and cultural organisations
• Colleges and universities
• Music Education Hubs
• Libraries, Museums & heritage organisations
• Film education organisations
• Voluntary sector organisations
• Individuals in the arts and cultural sector
Participating in your local LCEP gives you an opportunity to form partnerships with others that are committed to improving arts education, driving a joined-up art and cultural offer locally, sharing resources and bringing about a more coherent and visible delivery of cultural education
If you are interested in joining your local LCEP, or to find out when the next LCEP meeting is due, contact the following:
South Yorkshire: laura@weareIVE.org
West Yorkshire: caroline@weareIVE.org
North Yorkshire, York and the Humber: charlotte@weareIVE.org
Source: IVE newsletter
For more information visit https://weareive.org/bridge/local-cultural-education-partnerships