Creative Kirklees / News / Mon 09 Aug 2021
Library of Sanctuary Award goes to Kirklees Libraries

Kirklees Libraries have just received the prestigious national Library of Sanctuary Award. The first library service in Yorkshire and Humber to do so and one of only a few across the country.
Run by City of Sanctuary UK who work in partnership with major refugee organisations, the Library of Sanctuary Awards recognise the work of library services that provide a welcome and safe space for people fleeing conflict, changing climates and persecution.
Kirklees Libraries has led the way in providing a welcoming space for migrant communities by curating a Sanctuary book collection that highlights books written by and about sanctuary seekers. Knit and natter sessions, chats over coffee, conversation cafes and dedicated resource packs have supported language development across all ages for people who do not speak English as a first language. A wide range of activities are also available that promote inclusion and diversity and the team is actively involved in national events such as Windrush Day, Black History Month and Interfaith Week.
Read more about their work and how they achieved this award at the link below.
For more information visit https://kirkleestogether.co.uk/2021/08/03/kirklees-libraries-first-in-yorkshire-to-receive-national-accolade/