Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Sat 09 Apr 2016
Lead Artist, Mental Health Project, Hull & East Yorkshire Mind

Hull and East Yorkshire Mind (HEYM) wishes to appoint a Lead Artist to develop a programme of artistic responses to severe mental health issues. A Hull man, Trevor Hughes, has written a book of poetry,Belongings, that describes his son Peter’s tragic story as he develops a severe mental illness and eventually takes his own life by jumping off the Humber Bridge.
HEYM are looking for creative ideas on how to turn this initial idea into reality. Paintwork, projection, spoken words, music, photography, fine book illustration, events, readings across the city might all form part of this. The lead artist needs to be able to envisage a way of sharing the story that grabs attention and eventually leads people to think differently about what they have learned.
HEYM want to do something that promotes this poetry as one of the more challenging aspects of mental illness rather than the ‘wellbeing and inclusion’ work that is so prevalent at present. There is a blank canvas in the shape of the highly visible head office on Beverley Road, a set of venues ready to host 2017 events, a powerful story to tell in Trevor’s poetry and a unique opportunity to make an impact through Hull’s status as UK City of Culture. HEYM want to bring all this together.
Besides being a creative and imaginative visionary, HEYM need their artist to be experienced in submitting funding bids and willing to work with the team to apply to Hull City of Culture for a grant up to £10,000 (see http://hull2017.co.uk/getinvolved for guidance) and to seek ACE funding. The total budget might be in the region of £30,000, including the publishing of the collection. The fee available for the initial phase is £1,500 including expenses.
For more about HEY Mind go to http://www.HEYMind.org.uk/
Download full details of this opportunity at the link below.
For more information visit http://1drv.ms/1UXEvNm
Opportunity Location
Hull and East Yorkshire
Email: dsmith@heymind.org.uk
Website: http://1drv.ms/1UXEvNm