Creative Kirklees / News / Mon 15 Apr 2019
Kirklees' Year of Music 2023 launch

A visionary music project is expected to come out of a partnership between groups, festivals, the University of Huddersfield and Kirklees Council.
Kirklees Year of Music 2023 launched at the University on Thursday 11 April, featuring multiple talks and performances from local artists such as Pat Fulgoni, Big Wave, Manasamitra and DJ NikNak.
The aim of the Year of Music is to work closely with Leeds City Region’s Year of Culture programme and deliver a world-class music offer in the borough. Work is now underway to support the music sector to define what a world-class music offer is, what it looks like and how to get there by 2023.
Over the next few years, Kirklees will be developed as an emerging music destination, a community music audit will be completed to gather information about the diverse community music in the district and via consultation with the music sector a Kirklees music brand will be created. The council and the university are together working music organisations, including festivals, as well as independent venues, a record shop and label as part of a Music Group to deliver the project.
Information will regularly be updated on our website so make sure to sign up for our newsletter here: https://www.creativekirklees.com/mailing-list/
If you want to get involved - either by attending a consultation session or contributing your views through an online survey please complete this form http://bit.ly/YearOfMusic2023ConsultationForm.
For more information visit https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/kirklees-year-music-2023-officially-16122097