Monday 22nd June 2020 will be the third national Windrush Day and you're invited to take part in the first local celebration in Kirklees.
After WW2 the Government encouraged people from commonwealth countries to come and help rebuild Britain. They sailed over on the ‘Empire Windrush’ to help us in many sectors, including the new NHS.
This online pack contains historical context, local stories of how families were established in Kirklees and activities to do with the family including:
• Cooking Caribbean food
• Making Caribbean decorations for Windrush Day
• How to access Kirklees Libraries Ancestry Library Edition online – this includes Empire Windrush passenger lists
• Book reviews and reading suggestions for adults, teens and children
• Suggestions for black British soaps such as The Desmonds
• And an introduction to Discover Huddersfield’s Caribbean Heritage Trail – which could be part of your day’s exercise.
For more information visit https://kirkleestogether.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Final-Windrush-e-Resource-pack-FINAL-DRAFT-15th-June-2020.pdf