Creative Kirklees / News / Thu 19 Oct 2017
Kirklees Parks: Play Consultation - Additional Dates and Times

Kirklees Parks and Open Spaces need your help shaping play in Kirklees!
They want to gain a better understanding of the current and potential play opportunities that exist within Kirklees and want to learn what you think about play, to inform the Kirklees Play Strategy and for that they need a wide range of people to give their thoughts.
To see the Draft strategy visit the link
A series of focus groups have been organised, aimed at a wide range of people from members of the public; including parents, grandparents, carers, through to education providers, businesses and networks of people with an interest in play and green spaces. More dates, times and venues have been added to accommodate as many people as possible.
Feel free to pop along to any of these meetings throughout October and have your say. Everyone is welcome to attend whichever meeting is most convenient for them, regardless of where they live. Follow the link here for dates and venues for all sessions: http://bit.ly/2gRWlDM
There is also a short survey you can complete – please follow the link below
For more information visit https://www.snapsurveys.com/wh/s.asp?k=150591065381
News Location
Telephone: 01484 221 000
Email: parks@kirklees.gov.uk
Website: https://www.snapsurveys.com/wh/s.asp?k=150591065381