Creative Kirklees

Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 24 Sep 2018

Jerwood Makers Open

Jerwood Makers Open

A commissioning initiative offering time, curatorial advice and logistical back up for early-career makers to develop their ideas and further their practice.

Jerwood Makers Open is a biennial opportunity encouraging ambitious and/or radical proposals from UK-based makers and collaborators within 10 years of beginning their practice. Launched in 2010, it focuses on makers and making supporting work in a diverse range of materials and progressive practices including, but not limited to: glass, metal, wood, paper, textiles, ceramics, furniture and jewellery.

Five artists will be selected through this national open call and each receive £8,000 to create new works for a national touring exhibition.

Deadline 24 Sep 2018, 5pm

For more information visit

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