Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 27 Sep 2018
It's Up to You Funding Programme

Kirklees Council Cohesion Team are pleased to announce the launch of another round of their successful It’s Up to You funding programme.
This is a participatory funding scheme, with the focus on promoting community cohesion, where people in communities get to vote on what projects they want to see happen in their areas. Individuals can apply for up to £100 and groups up to £500. The voting event itself will take place in October and they are looking for ideas that fall under one of these headings:
• #KirkleesWelcomes – making Kirklees a welcoming place for all
• Sharing our common ground
• Sharing stories
• Challenging prejudice and hate
• Challenging myths and stereotypes
• Celebrating and understanding our differences
• Empowering communities to create local change
• Enabling young people with the skills to navigate the challenges of society
It’s Up To You will be delivered through a number of phases:
Phase 1: Meet Your Neighbours events
Phase 2: Funding events
Phase 3: Project delivery, monitoring and impact
Phase 4: Celebration event
The Meet Your Neighbours events are community networking events which will introduce It’s Up To You, provide an opportunity to conduct an asset map and explore key cohesion priorities.
See below details of these events which will be taking place across Kirklees as follows:
Northfield Hall, Wednesday 5th September 2018 4-7pm
Dewsbury Library, Tuesday 11th September 2018 11am-1pm
Crosland moor CC, Tuesday 11th September 2018, 6pm to 8pm
DRAM Centre, Wednesday 12th September 2018 4.30-7.30pm
Batley Library, Thursday 13th September 2018, 5.30-7.30pm
St Cuthbert’s Church Monday 17th September 2018, 6pm to 8pm
Ravensthorpe Community Centre, Tuesday 18th September 2018 11am-1pm
Firth Park Pavilion Heckmondwike, 27th September 2018 5.30-7.30
Go along and find out about the process, discuss your ideas with council staff and connect with other groups and individuals in the Huddersfield area.
All attendees will be encouraged to do a short 2 minute introduction about their group and there will be an opportunity to submit applications on the day.
This is a free event, but booking is essential and can be done via the above links
Opportunity Location
Email: nisar.mayet@kirklees.gov.uk