Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 11 Nov 2021
Arts Council's Four Nations International Fund

With co-investment from Creative Scotland, Arts Council England, Arts Council Northern Ireland and Arts Council of Wales/Wales Arts International, the pilot Four Nations International Fund is designed to support those working in the arts and creative industries in the four nations across the UK and together with counterparts in Europe and beyond.
Applications will be accepted from creative sector organisations and individuals based in one of the four nations of the UK. Applications will require applicants to have at least one partner from another of the four nations of the UK in addition to at least one international partner.
Funding is intended to support in-person, digital or hybrid activity, across a range of artforms. Eligible projects include:
Development of artistic practice through working cross-UK and internationally.
Collaboration with and learning from artists, creative practitioners and organisations cross-UK and internationally.
Development of early relationships with artists, creative practitioners and organisations with a longer-term view of developing cross-UK and international markets and audiences for work and building profile internationally.
Exchange of key creative people to develop new concepts or relationships.
The fund has a total value of £100,000 and provides grants of between £1,000 and £5,000.
The deadline for applications is 11 November 2021.
For more information visit https://www.creativescotland.com/what-we-do/latest-news/archive/2021/09/four-nations-international-fund