Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 22 Jul 2022
Huddersfield 'Pride of Lions' Artistic Sculptures: Tender

The Council are seeking to create Playful Public Art to enhance the public realm and celebrate Huddersfield Towns historic connection with Lions. These commissions will contribute to the Town Centre Blueprint (a 10-year vision for the regeneration of the town centre).
The requirement is to provide a suite of public art sculptures and playful features on the theme of "A Pride of Lions" for Huddersfield Town Centre. The pieces are to be a mixture of playful, playable and/or interactive pieces of public art for the town centre public realm.
The value of the 3 LOTS shall be no more than:
LOT 1 £130,000
LOT 2 £70,000
LOT 3 £30,000
Please note a defined fee will be apportioned to the shortlisted artists for the work associated with Stage 2 only.
To read the Artist's brief: www.creativekirklees.com/networks/creative-kirklees/documents/lions-artist-design-brief.pdf
To read the Concept Inspiration; www.creativekirklees.com/networks/creative-kirklees/documents/lions-concept-inspiration.pdf
Deadline to apply: 22 July 2022, 1pm (please note, you must register with YourTender first so give yourself time to do this before the deadline date)
To read the full tender document you must register on YourTender - please follow the link below. Or if you would like to speak to someone about registering on YourTender contact Sally Daly, email Sally.Daly@Kirklees.gov.uk
For more information visit https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/notice/6d5618a5-16f0-4544-9799-6eab18149284?origin=SearchResults&p=1