Creative Kirklees / News / Mon 16 Mar 2020
Huddersfield Literature Festival is Cancelled

In light of the increasing threat of the Coronavirus outbreak, it is with great sadness that this year’s Huddersfield Literature Festival is cancelled.
Although they were able to run several successful pre-Festival events, they feel that they have to take this global pandemic seriously for the sake of the authors, performers, audiences, Festival team and volunteers.
They will be making announcements about one or two events that they feel can potentially be rescheduled in the Autumn in due course. Ticket holders for other paid-for events will be issued with refunds as soon as possible. The organisers would ask audiences to bear with them as they manage this process.
As you can imagine, the Festival team are devastated to be in this position after all their hard work and planning, especially as they hoped to be able to support authors, performers, booksellers and suppliers again through their events this year.
The Festival Team would like to thank you for your understanding at this difficult time and to send hope that you will stay safe.
For more information visit https://www.huddlitfest.org.uk/
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Website: https://www.huddlitfest.org.uk/