Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 16 Aug 2017
How to create an equal opps policy? Voluntary Arts briefing

Making sure everyone has equal access to participate and enjoy a group's creative activities is important but if you don't have a clear equal opportunities policy, it can be hard to be clear on your group's approach and to ensure you have a process to implement, monitor and review your procedures. This Voluntary Arts Briefing helps you consider the key areas of an equal opportunities policy and create something that fits your organisation and, importantly, is understood by the members of your group or trustees so that they can be clear on their own roles and responsibilities.
The Briefing covers:
• Statements
• Objectives
• Procedures & actions
• Monitoring & reviewing
• Training
• Recruitment processes
Download the Briefing and share with those you know who might find it helpful: https://www.voluntaryarts.org/how-to-create-an-equal-opportunities-policy
A range of useful briefing papers and governance notes by Voluntary Arts can be found at: http://artsdevelopmentuk.org/voluntary-arts-briefings-links/
For more information visit https://www.voluntaryarts.org/how-to-create-an-equal-opportunities-policy