Creative Kirklees / News / Tue 07 Dec 2021
Help to put your Creative Health work on the map

You can help to shape how culture and health work is developed and scaled across health and care partners within an Integrated Care System in Yorkshire and Humber.
How can you help?
• Are you doing some work that is big on innovation?
• Are you delivering health and wellbeing benefits in clinical or social settings?
• Maybe you have found a useful commissioning method or have great partnerships?
• Perhaps you’re forging new paths in personalisation or social prescribing?
If so, your work can help to inform future planning, advocacy and ambition.
The National Centre for Creative Health (NCCH), formed in response to the 2017 Creative Health report, sets out to foster the conditions for creative health to be integral to health and social care and wider systems.
It is currently delivering a programme of Creative Health Hubs in partnership with NHS England and 4 Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), to explore models for doing this. The idea is that, through learning within the hubs, pathways can be forged to more ambitious, strategic, and intentional planning of culture-based approaches to health and wellbeing. If 4 Integrated Care Systems can do it, then perhaps the other 38 across England will also get on board.
In Yorkshire and Humber, we have one of the four hubs - the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Integrated Health and Care Partnerships (WYHICP) is already pioneering in this work and wants to go further.
Ministry of Others has been commissioned by NCCH and WYHHCP to capture learning from existing work in the ICS footprint (and beyond where exceptional ground-breaking practice is happening) and consider how work could be scaled, replicated, and developed over the coming years.
NCCH and WYHHCP are taking an important step with this work, and your help is needed to inform future planning, advocacy and ambition.
Discover the map and find out more at the link below.
For more information visit https://www.culturehealthandwellbeing.org.uk/putting-creative-health-map
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Website: https://www.culturehealthandwellbeing.org.uk/putting-creative-health-map