Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 21 Nov 2017
Health & Wellbeing Fund 2017 – 18

The Department of Health and Public Health England have launched a new application round through the Health and Wellbeing Fund. The fund is part of the Health and Wellbeing programme. Each round focuses on a specific theme. The theme for this round is social prescribing. Social prescribing is generally understood to be an intervention through which people are supported to access non-medical services in the community. Examples include befriending, art classes and exercise classes, but a wide variety of activities can be included. Typically, a community navigator/link worker will work with the individual to co-produce solutions that best suit their needs.
Applications of up to £300,000 (in year 1) are being accepted from voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations. The Government will be holding a series of webinars in September and October. The webinars will cover the application process and provide an opportunity for potential applicants to ask questions. The closing date for applications is the 21st November 2017.
Source: AD:UK
For more information visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/health-and-wellbeing-fund-2017-to-2018-application-form