Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Tue 12 Jun 2018
Head of Fundraising and Partnerships - Theatre Royal Wakefield

Theatre Royal Wakefield is currently recruiting for an exceptional individual to join the team as Head of Fundraising and Partnerships.
The theatre is now well-known as both a receiving and producing house, presenting 260 performances each year including drama, dance, music theatre, comedy and music, to audiences of 75,000. Over the last five years the theatre has developed a national touring strand and has an extremely active Learning & Participation Department.
Theatre Royal Wakefield has thoroughly embedded fundraising into the psyche of the organisation as part of a business model which focuses on maximizing existing income streams and establishing new ones. This was reflected in the recent successful capital fundraising campaign for the opening of the new Centre for Creativity. This now provides an opportunity to move capital supporters towards revenue funding.
The Head of Fundraising and Partnerships is a key position within a small Executive Team, with the ability to make an important contribution to developing the Theatre’s relationships with a wide range of existing and new stakeholders, whilst maintaining its relevance to the local community. This is an outward facing post, providing exciting opportunities for someone with experience, contacts and presentation skills to make a significant contribution to the theatre’s sustainability and development at a time of economic change and artistic development.
For further information and to apply please follow the link below, or contact Katie Town at the email address shown.
For more information visit http://www.theatreroyalwakefield.co.uk/about-us/jobs
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 01924 215 531
Email: katie.town@theatreroyalwakefield.co.uk
Website: http://www.theatreroyalwakefield.co.uk/about-us/jobs