Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 29 Nov 2019
Grants supporting arts-based learning in primary schools

Grants of £150,000 supporting effective arts-based learning in primary schools (UK) is available for Partnerships consisting of arts/cultural organisations and primary schools who have until the 29 November 2019 to apply for grants of up to £150,000 to support the delivery of effective arts-based teaching and to embed learning through the arts in the curriculum. The aim of the funding is to fund projects that help teachers and school leaders to develop the necessary skills, knowledge, confidence and experience to deliver effective arts-based learning. The funding is being provided through the Paul Hamlyn Foundation’s Teacher Development Fund and the Foundation expect to make 6 grant awards in 2019.
Either a primary school or an arts/cultural organisation may be the lead applicant for this fund. Read more at the link below.
For more information visit https://www.phf.org.uk/funds/tdf/
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Website: https://www.phf.org.uk/funds/tdf/