Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Thu 01 Mar 2018
Granada Foundation (North West of England)

Organisations (preferably with charitable status) based in the north-west of England are invited to approach the Granada Foundation with imaginative proposals for projects that will encourage and promote the study, practice and appreciation of science and the arts. The Foundation aims to make the region a richer and more attractive place in which to live and work. Currently, applications from projects that will engage and inspire people of all ages to take an interest in science are particularly welcome.
Previously, grants of £500 to £60,000 have been awarded to support a wide range of activities and have included capital costs for buildings, work in schools and support for outreach projects. For example:
• The Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths Network (STEMNET) received a grant of £4,000 to purchase STEM Club boxes for use in after school science clubs across the region.
• Contact Theatre received £60,000 over three years to support the redevelopment of the theatre.
• Blackburn Cathedral Trust received £2,000 for a Music Outreach project.
Preference is given to new projects; festivals and other annual events are supported but there is no guarantee of year on year support. The Advisory Council of the Foundation meets to consider applications three times a year with the next meeting scheduled for February 2018. Read more at the link below.
For more information visit http://granadafoundation.org/howtoapply/tabid/80/language/en-GB/Default.aspx