Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 18 Sep 2019
Google Analytics Webinar

Want to get more from your Google Analytics data? There is so much data within Google Analytics that it can get overwhelming. This webinar is to help you get clarity on your data so you know exactly what reports to look at, and more importantly, what the data means and how it can help you.
Sign up and learn:
- What data you need to look at
- What your data really means
- How you can use your data effectively
http://bit.ly/2LvQRhN - Wednesday 18 September from 10:30am
For more information visit https://www.artsprofessional.co.uk/events/premium/ticketsolve/google-analytics-webinar?utm_source=Weekly-Events&utm_medium=email&utm_content=nid-212214&utm_campaign=11th-September-2019