Creative Kirklees / News / Wed 01 Nov 2017
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

In May 2018 a new Data Protection law is coming into force. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will replace the Data Protection Act and will apply regardless of Brexit.
Every organisation that processes personal data must be compliant with the new GDPR rules from 25 May 2018 and this includes charities and voluntary organisations. If your organisation handles personal data on any scale you should be preparing now
Getting to grips with GDPR can be daunting and it can be difficult to know where to start so this 12 point plan ‘How to prepare for GDPR’ from the NCVO and adapted from the Information Commissioners Officer (ICO) guidance may be useful to you. Please follow the link below.
For more information visit https://knowhownonprofit.org/how-to/how-to-prepare-for-gdpr-and-data-protection-reform