Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 01 Feb 2016
Funding to Develop Arts Based Activities in Education

Arts organisations providing arts based activities in schools and further education colleges can apply for grants of up to £400,000 over four years through the Paul Hamlyn Foundation's Arts Based Learning Programme's “More and Better” grants scheme.
More and Better grants are for activities and programmes which are already established and where there is some initial evidence to show why the work is promising and has an impact. The Foundation wants to fund projects for up to four years to enable organisations to build this evidence and use it to extend and improve their work. Funding is available to:
• To cover programme-related costs and activities
• Monitoring and evaluation activities
• The underpinning of core costs and salaries and/or contributions to organisational development needs to improve capacity and sustainability.
For more information visit http://www.phf.org.uk/funds/arts-based-learning-fund/#more-and-better-grants