Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Wed 05 May 2021
Funding to deliver activities in Kirklees during May Half Term

Following on from the success of the holiday funded programmes during 2020 and early 2021 and with the support of Cllr Kendrick and Cllr Pattinson (leads for Children and Young People), Kirklees Council would like to invite Community Group and Voluntary Organisations to submit proposals for activities to be delivered in Kirklees during the May half term school holidays.
Supporting children and families to have the opportunity to access activities in a safe environment whilst adhering to Coronavirus government guidance is vital. Therefore proposals submitted will need to outline the planned activities and associated benefits such activities would bring. Priority will be given to proposals that involve activities with children and young people, and wherever possible these should take place outdoors involving up to 30 children per session.
Please note that this project is separate from the Holiday Activities and Food Programme planned for Summer 2021 and will focus on activities only. As with previous funding we would like to provide an indicative amount for funding of £62.50 per hour to cover staffing and resources costs.
The deadline for applications will be Wednesday 5 May 2021 with groups being informed if they were successful or not from Monday 10 May 2021
The online funding proposal form can be accessed by clicking the link below.
If you would like a further discussion or information regarding this funding please contact phillip.blackwell@kirklees.gov.uk
For more information visit https://forms.office.com/r/Z31UB0vh9E