Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Mon 19 Jun 2017
Funding for young people for local social action projects

Teams of young people can apply for grants of up to £400 to undertake local social action projects. A wide variety of projects can be supported including:
• Turning junk into musical instruments
• Hosting local sports days
• Organising litter picks
• And facilitating language swaps; etc.
The funding is being provided through the UK Youth's Change Squad programme which aims to inspire young people to give back to their local communities. Up to 150 Change Squads will be supported. To be eligible to apply applicants need to:
• Be based in England
• Be either from a rural or disadvantaged area
• Have two Squad Leads aged 12-20
• Be able to recruit at least 10 other young people in their Change Squad.
In addition to the £400 funding for the social action project, youth workers can also claim £200 for their time facilitating and empowering Change Squad teams to develop their ideas and make projects happen. Applications are being accepted until June 2017.
All projects must be completed by 19th June 2017.
For more information visit http://www.ukyouth.org/change_squad.html