Creative Kirklees / Opportunities / Fri 24 Nov 2017
Freelance Creative Workshop Facilitators, Grimm & Co

Grimm & Co are looking for freelance creative workshop facilitators. Read more below.
Grimm & Co is a children's writing charity that changes the world one story at a time. From our base in Rotherham we work with children and young people aged 7 - 18 to champion the writer in every child.
We are looking for more great freelance creative facilitators to help us deliver innovative, engaging workshops. We already have a pool of fantastic creative practitioners who work on a freelance basis to deliver literacy workshops in a range of settings: at our beautiful Rotherham story centre, at local and regional schools, and at festivals and other showcase events across Yorkshire and the North. Through support from Grimm & Co’s creative learning team, we empower our sessional artists to develop their ideas and passions in order to build children and young people’s capacity through delivering innovative creative learning workshops and activities. Our sessional artists are typically paid £25 per hour when leading workshops and learning programmes.
We are now seeking to expand and diversify this pool of artists by recruiting freelance workshop facilitators across a wide range of creative disciplines. We are looking for people with experience of delivering creative workshops and of working with children and young people. Successful applicants will have a passion for creative learning, and a proven track record of engaging people with words, stories, and writing. Emerging and established workshop facilitators are welcome to apply, and we encourage applications from a wide range of creative disciplines.
Successful applicants will be invited to participate in our Creative Facilitation Development Programme, during which you will gain a hands-on knowledge of Grimm & Co’s philosophy and approach. We will then progress some of the development programme participants to becoming lead sessional artists from Grimm & Co.
To apply, please email info@grimmandco.co.uk to request an application pack, using the subject header ‘Creative Facilitator Development Programme’.